Commonly known as mother-in-law or sansevieria, plants of the genus Sansevieria are easy to grow. This is a perfect plant for a dimly lit room such as a bathroom, room Where a walk-in .
There are two kinds:
- Erect, with leathery, sword-shaped leaves;
- Dwarfs, in rosette.
Most sansevières have particularly decorative, marbled foliage. The leaves rise directly from a thick rhizome that runs below the surface of the mixture. They end with a non-stinging stinger that must not be damaged: the disappearance of this stinger stops the growth of the leaf.
Maintenance of the sansevière
The sansevière tolerates shade well, but its growth will stop if it is exposed for some time to insufficient light. It can also grow in bright light and tolerate full sun well. If your plant is used to living in the shade, it might not be able to cope with a sudden change in exposure: it needs to be gradually accustomed to the sun to prevent its leaves from being scorched.
Sansevière is a tropical plant; she likes heat and therefore temperatures between 18 and 27 ° C. It should never be exposed to less than 13 ° C.
Watering and fertilizer
As this plant will often be in a dimly lit room, watering should be moderate. Wet the soil well, but allow it to dry an inch between waterings. During the standing period, allow at least half of the mixture to dry before watering again. Too much water causes the large leaves to sag and can rot the plant. In species with rosettes, do not leave water between the leaves.
Sansevières grow best in a narrow space and can stay in the same pot for several years.
You should not give too much fertilizer. A monthly application of ordinary liquid fertilizer, diluted by half, during the growing period is more than sufficient.
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